Expires January 21, 2026 at 2:41 PM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1: Purchase this deal from Rush49.com. Receive a unique voucher code via email. You can also access your code any time with your Rush49 account.
Step #2:
To register click on
- Click on "Book" button for your Driving or Ride-Along Experience
- Apply your Voucher ID as Promotion code, click OK.
- Select Date & Time, Click Book and Continue Registration.
- Choose your Driving option from the drop down menu.
- Enter your info and complete your registration.
- Availability is limited; Kenny Wallace Dirt Racing Experience strongly requires that customers book within 45 days of purchase.
- Experience is limited to one voucher per person, per day.
- May buy 6 additional vouchers as gifts.
- Must be 18 years of age or older with valid driver's
license to participate in driving experience; must be 14 years of age or
older to participate in the ride-along experience.
- Height and waist restrictions apply; max height 6'3", max waist 48 inches.
- Sales tax not included and will be charged upon customer reservation.
- Voucher valid only for option purchased at designated track listed.
- Merchant cancellation/rescheduling policy of 30 days
applies (In other words, customer cancellation or rescheduling on short
notice can result in voucher forfeiture or a rescheduling fee. No
- Laps may be forfeited for unsafe driving. (applies only to participants of the qualifier racing experience)
- Reservations may be made immediately after purchase
- This deal is non-refundable
Promotional value expires January 21, 2026 at 2:41 PM PDT