Expires April 17, 2025 at 8:58 PM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique RushPass via email.
You can also access your voucher at any time from your Rush49 account.
Step #2:
Please print out or present your Rush49 voucher on a mobile device on the day of your visit.
- Valid for only option purchased
- valid for new customers only is applicable only to the 5 pack offer
- 5-Visit Punch Pass holders may use their $50 credit toward a membership if desired upon their first visit
- The class is offered every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 6:30 PM, Saturday at noon, Saturday at 3:30 PM, and Sunday at noon. It typically lasts about three hours
- This deal is nonrefundable
- Class size is limited, and classes fill up, so please call (323-505-7000) reserve a spot
- Please arrive 15 minutes early to get checked in and geared up.
- Must sign waiver
- Registration required
- Can be purchased every 90 days
- Must be 14 or older
Promotional value expires April 17, 2025 at 8:58 PM PDT