Expires April 5, 2025 at 1:58 AM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1: Purchase this deal from Rush49.com. Receive a unique voucher code via email. You can also access your code any time with your Rush49 account.
Step #2:
- Click on "Book Now" on the top of the page
- Select your Car and click on "Book"
- Choose your date & time
- Select your quantity
- Enter all registrant information
- Apply your voucher code as Promo code & apply
- Continue registering, verify your info, check out & complete your registration process
*For 2-car tours, you must register separately with your individual voucher codes
- Valid only for the option purchased
- Both parties must be present at the time of redemption
- Driver is allowed a free passenger over the age of 10
- This deal is nonrefundable
- Drivers must be over the age of 25
- No deposit required - must have valid ID and Drivers Insurance
Promotional value expires April 5, 2025 at 1:58 AM PDT