Expires August 9, 2014 at 11:00 PM CDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique voucher code. You can access your voucher code any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Please note that when purchasing multiple vouchers/deals, each participant must register separately and individually with his or her uniquely assigned Rush49 voucher ID.
- Select the Individual and Time.
- Sign up the options
- Please use the Voucher Code as a Promotional Code.
- Complete the Registration.
- Enjoy!
- Must register online by August 7th, 2014.
- This deal is non-refundable.
- Must sign waiver.
- Registration required.
- Must be 14 or older to enter the race.
- Must be 21 or older with valid photo ID for free beer.
Promotional value expires August 9, 2014 at 11:00 PM CDT