Expires October 27, 2019 at 7:00 PM CDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Step #2:
To redeem your E-Ticket, you must be able to display your Rush49 voucher code on a mobile device or present it in printout form at the Main Entrance ticketing window on the day of your visit.
- Shirts and shoes are required throughout your entire visit at the park
- No clothing or body art which Santa’s Village determines to be rude, vulgar, or contains inflammatory language or graphics. Failure to follow park rules will be subject to ejection from the park
- Alcohol, weapons of any type, laser pointers, radios and/or sound emitting electronic devices, and skate shoes (Heely’s) are not permitted in the park
- Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all other areas of the park
- Valid only for the option purchased
- Parking is free
- This deal is non-refundable
- Santa's Village Azoosment Park FAQs
Promotional value expires October 27, 2019 at 7:00 PM CDT