Expires June 9, 2018 at 12:00 AM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Please note that when purchasing multiple vouchers/deals, each participant must register separately and individually with his or her uniquely assigned Rush49 voucher ID.
Step #2:
- Click on the "Buy Tickets" Button at the top of the screen
- Click on the blue "Have an Access Key?" link below the ticket options
- Enter your Rush49 voucher code, and click the grey "Unlock" button
- Select the ticket that appears labeled "Rush49 Promo"
- Continue and complete your registration
- Valid only for option purchased
- Online registration is required
- You MUST report to White Cloud Ranch with your ticket to check in and receive your Rosé Day entry wristband. You will then be shuttled less than 1/2 mile to our Rosé Day venue located at Saddlerock Ranch
- Outside alcohol is NOT permitted at Rosé Day. Bottles of Rosé wine and champagne will be available for purchase inside the General Admission and VIP areas
- You must 21+ years of age and have a valid government issued ID with you upon check in to attend this event. No re-entry will be permitted
- This deal is non-refundable
- This is a cash-free event. Acceptable methods of payment include debit, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express
- Limited parking and complimentary shuttle service will be provided at White Cloud Ranch and will remain open until 11pm on the night of the event
- Dress code is mandatory. You are invited to dress summer chic, pastel colors or summer whites are encouraged. Sunscreen, hats, and lightweight clothing are recommended. Guests are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes (flats, sandals or wedges for women)
Promotional value expires June 9, 2018 at 12:00 AM PDT