The Deal
Need to Know
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Please note that when purchasing multiple vouchers/deals, each participant must register separately and individually with his or her uniquely assigned Rush49 voucher ID.
Step #2:
Online is registration is required. Click here to register for Pride Run Phoenix.
The Business
Pride Run Phoenix is a timed Half Marathon, 10K and 5K run in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona celebrating and recognizing human rights (equality, inclusion, diversity and acceptance for everyone) and is produced and hosted by Phoenix Frontrunners, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Experience Reviews
Diane Himebaugh
Wed Mar 27 14:48:52 PDT 2019
being an older female, it was discouraging I had to wait til the bitter end after most people were gone to get my award. I would have rather just seen the result, went to awards table to pick it up because by the time they announced my name most people were gone, so really didn't get recognition. If they did awards oldest to youngest, people would stay to cheer us older folks on
Diane Himebaugh
Wed Mar 27 07:48:52 PDT 2019
being an older female, it was discouraging I had to wait til the bitter end after most people were gone to get my award. I would have rather just seen the result, went to awards table to pick it up because by the time they announced my name most people were gone, so really didn't get recognition. If they did awards oldest to youngest, people would stay to cheer us older folks on
Casey Baker
Tue Mar 26 15:15:52 PDT 2019
Great service! Would absolutely use again.
sindhu pillai
Tue Mar 26 12:37:41 PDT 2019
I reached out to their customer service (via email at several times with a question regarding my purchase, nobody bothered to respond. Guess, once they have your money they don't care.
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