Expires July 16, 2025 at 8:12 PM MST
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique voucher via email.You can also access your voucher at any time from your Rush49 account.
Step #2:
Please print out and take your tickets to Monster Bubbles.
- This deal is nonrefundable
- Valid only of the option purchased
- Ball Play sessions can be used all by one person, or split up amongst multiple riders
- Each ride is approximately for 10 minutes in a bubble. If there is no line for bubble rides, riders can continue to roll around until another rider wishes to get in
- Weight limit is 200 pounds
- Minimum Height Limit: Anyone 49" tall and above may roll in bubbles un-escorted
- Riders 48" tall and shorter will need an adult to supervise them in the arena at all times. The adult only needs to stand next to the bubble to assist their little ones to help them enjoy the experience
- Maximum Height Limit. None. However, please be advised anyone over 6 feet tall will be unable to stand upright in the ball
Promotional value expires July 16, 2025 at 8:12 PM MST