Mehanata Bulgarian Bar - New York

Cheers To NYC's Sub Zero Bulgarian Bar

Thursday thru Saturday; 8:00pm to 4:00am

  • 2 Admissions to The Ice Cage
  • 2 Admissions to The Ice Cage
  • 2 Admissions to The Ice Cage
  • 2 Admissions to The Ice Cage

The Deal

About The Deal
  • YOUR DEAL: Admission to Mehanata's Ice Cage for two or four people
  • YOUR GARB: Wear traditional Soviet military coats and drink from a shot glass made of ice
  • YOUR CHOICE: A wall of vodkas to choose from
What We Love
  • THE CHALLENGE: Drink up to five shots of vodka in 2 minutes or less
  • THE CLUB: Unique Siberian discotheque-themed bar
  • THE MUSIC:  Eclectic DJs and Gypsy bands keep the party going all night long
More Information
When & Where:
Thursday - Saturday
8:00pm - 4:00am
Mehanata New York
113 Ludlow St
New York, NY 10002
Grab your comrades and come down to the lower eastside for a unique bar and music experience unlike anything you've experience. You may or may not have been to an ice bar before, but instead of donning less than fashionable puffy coats, you and your friends will wear traditional Soviet military jackets and hats at Mehanata's Ice Cage. Once inside, you'll receive a shot glass made of ice, a plethora of vodkas to choose from, and 2 minutes to drink up to 6 shots - before your time is up and your shot glass melts in your hand. Beat the clock and yell "Opa!" as your troop knocks back drinks and goes back in time. Once you're out into the normal temperatures of Menahata's bar, dancing, gypsy music, food, hookah, and other surprises await for a party you'll never forget.


  • Must be 21 years or older to enter
  • Time limit in the Ice Cage is two minutes and drinks are limited to 6 shots of vodka
  • Additional cover charge applies after 10:00pm on Friday and Saturday nights
  • Offer only includes Ice Cage admission

Need to Know

Tickets Valid
Expires July 19, 2025 at 6:53 PM EDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Redeeming Vouchers
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.  
Step #2:
Please present your Rush49 voucher on a mobile device or print out on the day of your visit.
Fine Print
  • Promotional value expires 180 days after purchase
  • Must be 21 years or older to enter
  • Amount paid never expires
  • Additional cover charge applies after 10:00PM on Friday and Saturday nights
  • Offer only includes Ice Cage admission
  • Limit 1 per person, may buy 3 additional as gift(s)
  • Must use promotional value in 1 visit(s)
  • This deal is non-refundable
  • Valid only for option purchased
  • Limit 1 per visit
  • Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services
  • Time limit in the Ice Cage is two minutes and drinks are limited to 6 shots of vodka
  • Mehanata Ice Cage FAQs

Promotional value expires July 19, 2025 at 6:53 PM EDT



The Business

Mehanata Bulgarian Bar: The ultimate multi-national drunken-Balkan disco divebar extravaganza...

A frenzied embassy for world music and immigrant punks. Weekly live performances by world-famous musicians hailing trans-globally, local gypsy superstars, beautiful belly dancers, crazed exhibitionists, and more. Cheap drinks, delicious hookah, wild dance parties, and good people! HOME OF THE INFAMOUS ICE CAGE: Mehanata's subzero drinking freezer. Wander down the stairs into an ethereal Siberian paradise, featuring Manhattan's only ICE CAGE freezer room. With a Russian military uniform and a shotglass coated in ice, you'll enter a room lined with vodka bottles and prepare for a night like you've never had before.

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Experience Reviews


Shelly Jones

Tue Apr 24 03:39:35 PDT 2018

Wayyyyy cheaper than the full price! It’s totally dorky but hey it’s lots of vodka shots. You can’t beat the price.

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