Expires May 13, 2018 at 1:00 AM MST
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Step #2:
- Select your race
- Create a new user or log-in
- Complete Participant and Registration information
- Enter you Rush49 voucher code in the box labeled "Promo Code or Gift Code", Continue
- Agree to the Waivers, Continue
- Review your information and Submit order to confirm registration
- You should receive an email confirmation from the registration system. If you do not receive it you can email them at info@mermaidseries.com. They will verify your participation
- Valid only for option purchased
- All Runners must register online with RaceRoster. Runners will not be able to participate unless they have registered at: https://raceroster.com/events/2018/14875/t9-mermaid-run-boulder
- Bring your photo identification (ID) or a copy of your ID in order to receive your packet. A valid driver's license or a valid passport is best. Minors are not required to show a photo ID
- It is recommended to arrive a minimum of 1 hour prior to your race
- Check-in opens at 7:00am
- Participants and spectators who arrive before 9:00am are not charged to enter the gates. If your fan club arrives after that time, they will be charged $5 per car to get in. Please arrive early
- This deal is non-refundable
- Sorry, but Boulder Reservoir does not allow dogs
- Race entries are non-transferable
- Neither race has a time limit
- Baby strollers are allowed
- Men can register and participate. However, since Mermaid is primarily a women's event (about 97-98% of participants are women), men are not eligible for awards
- You are required to run with your bib number
Promotional value expires May 13, 2018 at 1:00 AM MST