Frequently Asked Questions
How many tickets can I buy at this price?
The current limit of total vouchers (adult and/or child) is 6 per person.
How do I use the vouchers/ How can I find my vouchers?
All you have to do is to present your Rush49 voucher on a mobile device or print out on the day of your visit. You should have received an email confirmation with your vouchers as well for easier access access and printing. If you are a registered Rush49 member, you can log into your Rush49 account to access your vouchers.
What is a Rush49 account?
As soon as you make a purchase you create a Rush49 account, and you have access to see what deals you have purchased, when they expire, and have full control of your transactions.
Where is my vocher for sea quest my email is mogoastacey@gmail.com
You should receive the voucher right after purchase. Please be sure to check your spam or promotions folder as well. You can also log into your Rush49 account to access your vouchers.
Do I need to make a time slot reservation?
No need to make reservations. This is how the deal works:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Please present your Rush49 voucher on a mobile device or print out on the day of your visit
How much does it cost for interactions with the sloth or the otters please?
You can add an upgrade for animal interactions at checkout for an additional $14.99 only.
Does the child of a birthday party count towards the 10 guest ?
Please send your inquiry directly to Seaquest Roseville.
What's the age for a child?
Children are Ages 2-11. Children under 2 are free.
Do you have a sloth we could feed?
Guests can hand-feed Flash the Sloth
Are there snakes in the exhibit?
Yes. Sea Quest is home to over 1,200 animals of 300 different species! Each SeaQuest location has different animals that may change from time to time. Expect to see stingrays, sharks, turtles, snakes, lizards & birds.
I'd like to purchase the 4 pack for $44.10 but there are only 2 adults and 1 infant. They would like to take the grandparents but if they can't go is the couple able to use it twice? Otherwise, it won't make sense to purchase for a family of 4 . I'd also like to add a sloth encounter.
The 4 pack is good to use once only. A couple can't use it twice.
I would like to purchase tickets to the interactive swim with the fish for 3 people. Can I reserve a time slot at 2;on?
You have contacted Rush49, we only offer Daily admissions and b-day parties tickets.
If you need to reserve any interaction, please contact the seaquest directly (651) 330-2590
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