Expires December 31, 2019 at 12:00 AM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique RushPass via email. You can also access your voucher at any time from your Rush49 account.
Step #2:
Online reservation required, visit
- Click on "Book Now" for the experience you purchased
- Click on the Green "Book" button for your desired date and time
- Select your Driving Experience from the drop down menu
- Select any add-ons you would like (at an additional cost)
- Agree to the Insurance, this is mandatory, click "Next"
- Provide your Details, click "Next"
- Click on the "Enter Code" button and enter your Rush49 voucher code, click "OK"
- Click "Pay now and confirm your booking!"
- Present voucher upon arrival
- Enjoy!
- This deal is nonrefundable
- Valid only for the option purchased
- May be repurchased every 30 days
- Limit 5 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts
- Online reservation only; must reserve the spot by expiration listed on the voucher
- All dates subject to availability, dates may be added or changed
- Merchant standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed the price paid for the voucher)
- Must be 18+ with valid driver's license to drive; 14+ for ride-along
- Mandatory insurance required for $38, Taxes and Fees not included and to be paid at the time of reservation
- The event is weather permitting. In case of the event being canceled due to the weather, you get up to 12 months to reschedule
Promotional value expires December 31, 2019 at 12:00 AM PDT