Expires April 19, 2025 at 7:14 PM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a Rush49 E-Ticket with a unique voucher code. You can access your E-Ticket at any time by logging into your Rush49 account or via email.
Step #2:
To redeem your E-Ticket, you must be able to display your Rush49 voucher code on a mobile device or present it in printout form at the Guest Services ticketing window on the day of your visit.
*Please note that a valid photo I.D. is required to obtain the ticket(s).
**Access to the parking lot and valet are in two locations: Koyal/Winnick and Flamingo/LINQ Lane. Additional fees may apply.
- Limit 1 redemption per customer
- Children ages 6 and under ride free; youth tickets apply to ages 7-17; adult tickets apply to ages 18 and up.
- Must be age 21 with valid ID to purchase and consume alcohol
- You don't have to print your tickets. Smartphone tickets accepted
- Not valid on major holidays; blackout dates apply, please visit https://www.caesars.com/linq/high-roller for more information and the blackout dates
- See above for Spring Forward with High Roller Hours
- Blackout dates: (Not valid New Year's Eve (Nighttime options)
- This deal is non-refundable
- Concierge hours are 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily for any questions or concerns Entire value must be used in a single visit
- Daytime Tickets can be used any day from 11:30am - 5:59pm
- Nighttime Tickets can be used any day from 6:00pm - 2:00am
- Happy Half Hour Daytime hours are 12:00pm - 6:59pm
- Happy Half Hour Nighttime hours are 7:00pm - 1:00am
- High Roller is ADA and wheelchair accessible
- Voucher is valid up to three months from selected purchase date
Promotional value expires April 19, 2025 at 7:14 PM PDT