Expires June 19, 2025 at 7:07 AM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique voucher. You can access your voucher at any time with your Rush49 account, or receive via email.
Step #2:
Please view the itinerary by clicking on the "Where We Go" page of our Website at
www.worldcrawl.com on the day of the event so that you may meet us at the correct starting location.
You MUST register for the event at:
- Please select a date to attend
- Select quantity "1" to "Las Vegas Club Crawl - 1 Night."
- Please enter your voucher ID # as a"promotional code"
- Don't click "Apply"
- Click "Order Now"
- Complete the Registration
- Enjoy!
- Promotional value expires 180 day s after purchase
- Online registration required
- Please call prior to purchasing to check availability
- Must be 21 or older with valid ID
- Entry subject to denial if customer too intoxicated
- Must remain with world crawl at all times to receive crawl benefits
- Limited availability on holidays
- Service Fee $4.91 is not included
- This deal is non-refundable
- Valid only for option purchased
Promotional value expires June 19, 2025 at 7:07 AM PDT