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Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique Voucher Code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account or receive via email.
Step #2:
After purchase, you will receive your event tickets via email from FrontGate Tickets no later than Friday, August 23rd 2019. Please be sure that the email used to make your Rush49 purchase is valid and easily accessible.
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Experience Reviews
Wed Aug 28 06:52:36 PDT 2019
Extremely disappointed in the venue layout and totally misrepresented the entire event. I called people who planned on attending Sunday and told them don't do it, don't waste your money or time. I think you underestimated how many people would show up but I would think with the sales of tickets you would have known. Totally unplanned event. They said no bottles of water could be taken in the venue so we didn't take water only to stand in the heat for 2 hours. People were falling out with heat exhaustion and there were not water vendors to purchase water from outside of the venue. It was like 98 degrees and extremely humid that day. It was muddy and once we got inside there were only about 6 food/water trucks so we waiting in line another 30 minutes for water after being in line for 2 hours. Hightimes should know when you are high in the heat you need plenty of water and snacks! Also, the vendors were like a mile away from the entrance and thank God they had a couple of tractors with trailers hauling people back and forth in the mud. The vendors were all under the sun with no shade and then we find out you cannot buy flower or product. I really didn't understand what the whole fiasco was about and was very disappointed when we found out we couldn't buy anything after standing in the heat for 3 hours. What a waste of time, money and energy the whole day. Parking was unplanned and a cluster fuck. I will never attend another event like this. Hell, I can go to a flower store if I want to see what type of products i want to buy, in the A/C and I don't want to buy a freaking Tshirt or other memorabilia, I wanted to buy MJ products! I am so over Hightimes! Never again!!!!!
Mariah Johnson
Wed Aug 28 06:43:19 PDT 2019
Its wasn't very good there was enough food trucks an you had too walk a mile in the mud just too get too the venues. I hope next yeah better
Jazmin Ramirez
Tue Aug 27 20:27:21 PDT 2019
This was the most unorganized unplanned event I have ever attended. No access to food or water. It was horrible... waste of money.
Don Wade
Tue Aug 27 20:16:21 PDT 2019
I wish I could give the 0 stars. WORST EVENT I’VE EVER BEEN TO! Not at all ADA compliant!!! 5 hour lines and no water! My wheelchair got stuck so many times because of the insane amount of mud everywhere! This event was oversold and underprepared. Horrible.
Ayrianna Swanson
Tue Aug 27 16:06:08 PDT 2019
I waited in line for 2h40 only to be greeted by the fact that there was no water available for purchase. Given the heat, myself and hundreds of other festival-goers were parched and dehydrated. The limited number of food trucks at the event made getting food undesirable being that we would have had to wait upwards of an hour just for food. Also the variety of food was lacking. Many of the food trucks only offered specialty “authentic� tacos, which frankly seemed unappetizing. The enjoyable parts were the people, who employed an unforgettable experience and of course, the music. I am confident, however, that these miscomings were due to the fact that this event was the first of its kind to happen in Oklahoma. Overall, I was happy to be apart of a history-making festival and look forward to better festivals in the future.
Allen Croney
Tue Aug 27 13:32:41 PDT 2019
Glad I got a deal on the tickets!
David Montelongo
Tue Aug 27 13:28:21 PDT 2019
wasn't worth the money honestly.
Jesse Espolt
Tue Aug 27 12:47:38 PDT 2019
Event was knowingly over sold and some sort of compensation should be given. I don't know anyone who got in.
Chris Burk
Tue Aug 27 10:56:22 PDT 2019
I didn't get to attend they would not let any body in when I was able to get there I had to drive back an hour to go home
Kristan Wisner
Tue Aug 27 08:04:18 PDT 2019
I don't want to give Hightimes one star! This was a death trap. They over sold their event and people didnt get in. Gates opened for general admission at 1. The line was 4 hours long. No water and no port-a-potties. This was in a medical only state. These are medical patients!! People were passing out from the heat and the medics were scarce. I saw with my own eyes four large men fall and hit their head. No staff to be found. A lot of complaints on their facebook page. I emailed them asking for a refund to an event I showed up too and was told to leave at. I PAID for my tickets. They stated they do not give refunds. HIGHTIMES OVER BOOKED THEIR VENUE. HORRIBLE TIME!
Daniel Boone
Tue Aug 27 06:27:42 PDT 2019
Terrible. Couldn’t even get in. 3+ hour wait. Would’ve been over by the time I would’ve made it in. They ran out of water, ice and porta Johns. Wasted money to park for nothing. Everybody didn’t want to risk it again the next day
Elizabeth Gill
Tue Aug 27 05:39:41 PDT 2019
A complete waste of money. There were probably 200,000 people trying to get into the event. They only had 1 gate. There were people that had been waiting for over 4 hours and still had probably 3 more hours to go. Way too many people for as small of a venue. Ridiculous!
chris lowder
Mon Aug 26 20:01:54 PDT 2019
It was horrific! No organization, very few vendors, poor access for handicapped.
Courtney Hood
Mon Aug 26 18:53:41 PDT 2019
The event was amazing! I had a blast and was able to record a lot of the event. I’m excited to see the next Oklahoma Cannabis Cup!
Stephanie Davis
Mon Aug 26 17:53:09 PDT 2019
This event was poorly planned and even more poorly executed.
Brett Hancock
Mon Aug 26 17:07:10 PDT 2019
It was the worst event I’ve ever been to. It wasn’t ADA compliment you couldn’t bring in water yet they had NO water available. Stood in line for 3 hours!!! No water. People passing out left and right. It was a war zone!!! I want my money back! I will NEVER support Highcrimes again. Mite not use this establishment to get tickets again sine they support Highcrimes. I want my money back
Nancy Robinson
Mon Aug 26 14:04:44 PDT 2019
Deplorable! Totally unorganized, unprofessional and unsafe. The venue was not properly staffed, medics, security, gatekeepers, concessions. They ran out of drinking water, not enough bathrooms, pathetic! Shame on High Times and Lost Lakes for not doing a better job knowing how many tickets were sold and how many medical marijuana licenses in Oklahoma to not have foreseen how many would attend. This cup was not geared for medical marijuana patients, it reminded me of a Woodstock of stupid stoners.
Sara Hosch
Mon Aug 26 13:57:18 PDT 2019
I bought 2 tickets and did not even make it to the event. The reason why because it was a 4 hour wait in the heat and did not think it was going to be worth it to wait that long because the event closed at 8. Also they started turning people away because the event was too crowded, so even I had waited for those 4 hours, I might not have even been able to get in. I would like a refund if it’s available!
Laudi Martinez
Mon Aug 26 13:13:48 PDT 2019
Trash Oklahoma sucks was in line for 2 hour in the sun no water ppl having heat 🔥 stocks no deal on flowers high priced 2 food trucks muddy Field had to walk in got a 2 day pass wouldn't dare go second day
J Pate
Mon Aug 26 13:13:43 PDT 2019
The absolute worst event we've ever seen. It's a medical marijuana event without taking into account the thousands whoare disabled, the 100 degree heat, no food vendor or water available. It's as if they advertised for it and told everyone to take care of themselves. They provided nothing for the 15,000 + people that tried to show up. It is being called Fyre of Oklahoma. It was irresponsible and disastrous, expect for those that sponsored.
Kristen Ellis
Mon Aug 26 13:10:06 PDT 2019
We did not end up going b/c of all the talk on what a shit show event this turned out to be! Several hours to wait in line to get in, no water or food... bad deal all together
Charlotte Hernandez
Mon Aug 26 13:03:48 PDT 2019
What a waste of time and of money. I couldnt her into the event. Three hour wait in line just to get in, no water no shade no seating. Its was horrible
James Lind
Mon Aug 26 12:56:07 PDT 2019
It was absolutely nothing I was promised no vip package no nothing in fact the first day I was denied entry because they were crowded I was told. Second day I got in to find out that my shirt and poster anything else left from the vip package was gone and unavailable to me as well. No food no nothing. They had no ADA compliance and were disrespectful it is shame and an embarrassment to our community. They should issue eveeyone refunds because they lied to us. Also gave tickets away that we bought. I will no longer be patron of them or anyone that supports them there is a class action lawsuit being filed as we speak.
Phil Harris
Mon Aug 26 12:41:31 PDT 2019
Totaly not planed out . Lined 3 to 5 hours to get in Over a halfmile walk too exibits from parking out side in 90+ temp . No Water without another 1/4 mile walk. Not near enough potra poties.
Michael Langston
Mon Aug 26 12:20:20 PDT 2019
Horrible ,waited in line for 3.5 hours in 90 degree heat with my wife with no water .Never was able to go ,got nauseated and walked back .wasted 65 dollars .I'm horribly disappointed.
Christi Wisner
Mon Aug 26 12:13:01 PDT 2019
I was not able to attend do to disorganization. The lines were too long. Itvwas a waste of my money. They had a glitch in the system where people got free tickets and I had to pay for mine. No water while in line. I waited 3 hours in line with 100 degree temps. This was a cluster F.
megan gatlin
Mon Aug 26 12:12:06 PDT 2019
poorly planned event. stood in line to get in for over 4 hours. there was no water in the vendor village!?! the distance you had to walk down a backwoods road to get from the general area to the vendor area was ridiculous. the only atm was back outside the event. a couple of food trucks did not cut it for how many people were there. i expected a professional environment. i expected an expo center type fair vendor area. the vendor area was so cramped and crowded it was too overwhelming for me to even be able to see what was all available. the only place to get any type of drink was this bar that had no visible route to get to it. you had to walk through what looked like construction only to find out it was cash only and like i said the only atm was outside of the entire event that was 1/2 away through the general area down the backwoods road. i wont come back next year. i had high hopes. this was flop and i have told everyone i know so. so many people were excited to hear about it and i had nothing good to say about it. it was garbage.
Nicole Tobin
Mon Aug 26 12:11:54 PDT 2019
I have attended numerous festivals and this one was hands down the biggest shi* show I've ever seen. 3-hour line to get into the event - VIP and GA. 95 degrees outside and water sold literally in only one location; never saw a beer or food vendor. People yelling for medics every few minutes as people dropped like flies from dehydration. Horrible. Mind blown how bad it was.
Adrian Ramos
Mon Aug 26 12:10:54 PDT 2019
After purchasing the ticket for cannabis cup I went on Saturday August 24th only to be turned away because the event had been over sold on tickets. I did not get to attend the event and now I can't get anyone to tell me how to get a refund. I will NOT be using this service again.
Eric Edwards
Mon Aug 26 12:10:52 PDT 2019
It was ran poorly vendors ran out of drinks people were falling out due to the heat it was a waste of money
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