Dealflicks - Movie Theaters Nationwide

Movie Tickets Starting at Under $2!

  • $30 Dealbucks Credit From Dealflicks
  • $30 Dealbucks Credit From Dealflicks

The Deal

About The Deal
  • $25 for $30 worth of Dealbucks credit from Dealflicks ($30 value)
  • offers movie tickets up to 60% off, including top box office movies, for as low as $4.35 per ticket! Combined with this Rush49 voucher, you can save even more and get a movie ticket for as little as $1.96
  • Dealflicks "Dealbucks" are the credit you use to buy low cost movie tickets
  • Simply visit, type in the movie you want to see in your city, then browse participating theaters for tickets
What We Love
  • Featured in The New York Times, TechCrunch, TIME Magazine, on CBS and NBC
  • You spend the money when you want, on what you want!
  • Many Dealflicks movie tickets include popcorn and soda
  • Movie tickets are available for every showtime at participating theaters
  • Perfect for a last-minute date or night out with friends & family
      More Information

      Please check for participating theaters here

      Going to the movies can be expensive, but with Dealflicks you see the same movies in the same theater for a fraction of the cost. Dealflicks offers same-day movie tickets at significantly reduced prices. Choose from multiple movie theaters near you, including independently owned neighborhood theaters. $30 can go a long way; this deal is perfect for a last minute date night or a fun outing with friends on a budget. Your dealbucks can also be used on movies and concessions. Don't wait for it to come out on DVD because going to the movies is too expensive - splurge with Dealflicks today!

      Need to Know

      Tickets Valid
      Expires January 30, 2017 at 12:00 AM PDT
      Expiration dates may be extended upon request
      Redeeming Vouchers
      Step #1:
      Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a RushPass with a unique voucher code. You can access your RushPass at any time by logging into your Rush49 account or via email.

      Step #2:
      • Activate your Redemption Voucher at
      • Go to to select desired movie, date, time, and quantity of tickets
      • Click "Checkout"
      • Follow the instructions to create a Dealflicks account
      • The total price will be deducted from your Dealbucks balance. Click "Purchase" to complete your order
      • Once the purchase is complete, you will receive a Dealflicks Voucher in your email inbox
      • Present Dealflicks voucher print-out or mobile voucher through our iPhone or Android App at the box office
      *WARNING - Customers who bring this instructional page to the box office instead of a voucher redeemed from will not receive movie tickets and will not be able to attend the desired show.
      Fine Print
      • This deal is NON-REFUNDABLE
      • Limit 2 per customer
      • Customers must redeem their Rush49 voucher codes at to obtain tickets, not in theaters
      • Valid for redemption towards tickets at all participating theaters nationwide
      • Subject to availability
      • Online redemption required before January 30th, 2017

              Promotional value expires January 30, 2017 at 12:00 AM PDT

              The Business


              Dealflicks creator Sean Wycliffe decided too many seats in movie theaters were going unsold. He created Dealflicks as a way for movie theaters to fill those empty seats at a great price for the viewer, so everyone wins! Dealflicks is a website offering movie viewers discounted tickets for same-day showings. The best part is that Dealflicks has partnered with tons of theaters all around the country, and they have a special interest in independently owned neighborhood theaters! Check out to find a theater near you!

              Frequently Asked Questions

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