NW BBQ and Grilling School - Vancouver

Save Over $100 on a 6-Hour Smoking and Grilling Class!

  • 6-Hour Smoking and Grilling Class

The Deal

About The Deal
  • $75 for a six-hour Smoking and Grilling class (a $170 value)!
  • Hands-on grilling experience with Traeger, Grilla, Big Easy, and Big Green Egg smokers!
  • Create your meal - then enjoy it!
What We Love
  • Class size is limited to 30, so everyone gets to work!
  • You'll smoke everything from pork tenderloin to sweet potatoes - and then you'll get to feast upon your handiwork!
  • Bring what you want to drink - your favorite wine or beer, perhaps!
More Information
When & Where: 

NW BBQ and Grilling School
4107 Fruit Valley Road Suite L 
Vancouver, WA 98660

Step up your smoking game with a 6-Hour Smoking and Grilling class with NW BBQ and Grilling School! In a party-sized class (10-30 people) you'll learn scrumptious smoking skills, the secrets of gifted grilling, and prepare a feast while you're at it! Smoke pulled pork, pork tenderloin, brisket, chicken, buffalo wings, sweet potatoes, stuffed peppers and more! Bring your own beverages, so when the meat and veggies are smoked to perfection you can sit down, toast your classmates, and enjoy the feast! There's nothing more satisfying than enjoying your very own masterfully prepared BBQ. The lowest price anywhere for the class that keeps on giving, this deal is a recipe for success!

Need to Know

Tickets Valid
Expires December 31, 2018 at 12:00 AM PDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Redeeming Vouchers

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Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique voucher code. You can access your voucher any time with your Rush49 account OR through email. 

Step #2:
Fine Print
  • Expires 240 days after purchase.
  • Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gifts.
  • Limit 1 per visit.
  • Valid only for option purchased.
  • Appointment required
  • Must use promotional value in 1 visit.
  • Valid only at listed location.
  • Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies
  • Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

Promotional value expires December 31, 2018 at 12:00 AM PDT



The Business

Stu McMullen, head honcho at NW BBQ and Grilling School, has spent most of his life on the go. Traveling around the country on weekends, he spent years visiting and networking at BBQ and grilling contests in St Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and Greenwood. Not satisfied in his hunger for knowledge, Stu continued his travels - country hopping to learn grilling secrets from different cultures around the world. He pursued classes at various cooking schools, including Western Culinary Institute, and is now one of the leading experts and teachers when it comes to BBQ and grilling!

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