Expires April 22, 2025 at 3:58 AM EDT
Expiration dates may be extended upon request
Step #1:
Purchase this deal from Rush49 and receive a unique RushPass via email. You can also access your voucher at any time from your Rush49 account.
Please note that when purchasing multiple vouchers/deals, each participant must register separately and individually with his or her uniquely assigned Rush49 voucher code.
Step #2:
- Please register via http://www.midnightfleet.com/
- Contact Stephanie at 718-373-2686 or at 347-500-4029 to place reservations
- Print out your confirmation email and take with you to Midnight Fleet
- This deal is NON-REFUNDABLE
- Valid ONLY for the option purchased
- Tackle (hook / sinker) available for additional fee
- All trips are subject to availability. A trip may be canceled at any time due to weather conditions and/or any other reason that will prevent the boat from departing and/or prevent customers from boarding the boat. No refund will be offered in case of trip cancellation. Customers are always welcomed to return to the boat and to sail with us another day
- A 24-hour minimum reservation is required for all tickets purchased online. A 72-hour reservation is suggested for weekends and holidays
- Proof of purchase will be required upon boarding. Please don't forget to print your confirmation email or show proof of purchase on your smart phone
- Fare prices do not include crew gratuity
Promotional value expires April 22, 2025 at 3:58 AM EDT